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Nuestro Compromiso

Our commitment to clients and collaborators has always been a priority for us. The Hotel del Paine will operate tailored to new needs, with strict hygiene and physical distancing protocols to prevent infections, based on the recommendations of the Chilean Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization for the hotel sector.

The PCR or negative ATYGEN test will be requested.

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1. The entrances and exits must be marked and there must be a person in charge who controls access to the establishment.

2. A delivery and entry point is established for external companies with stipulated hours to avoid crowds.

3. It should be indicated by means of visible and permanent signage (use of a mask, linear distance at 1 meter, markings on the ground for physical distance).

4. The spaces and workstations maintain at least one meter of distance between workers.

5. The establishment has a specific area to perform isolation for COVID-19, if required.

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